psychodelik (2023)

→ Video: sprechbohrer * psychodelik auf YouTube

„psychodelik“ condenses some of the new & fresh experiences into one trailer, which our ensemble, now almost 20 years old, was able to test & gather thanks to a research grant from the German Music Fund musikfonds. Our focus during these three months was on audiovisual concepts, on guided ensemble improvisation, as well as on the use of iPads as musical instruments. Based on our phonetic & vocal roots, we feel equipped after this „rejuvenation“ to further explore & develop also whole new ways of performing in the future.

Videos & Music: Harald Muenz
Voices & iPads: Sigrid Sachse, Harald Muenz, Georg Sachse
Photography: Sina Sachse

© 2023 by Harald Muenz, for video and audio
Funded by Musikfonds e.V. (within the framework of Neustart Kultur funding by „Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien“)

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